Monday, November 5, 2012

My vote on November 6th

This is for November 6th, voting day. I am a Democrat who will vote for life, upholding the biblical view of marriage between a man and a woman (rather then redefining it), and freedom of religion. Asking religious institutions, who believe abortion is murder, to pay for abortion is a violation of their religious freedom. I placed the video below on my site once before. But today is a good day to place it there again. There is an Evangelical version of this but I prefer the Catholic one because I agree strongly with the Cardinal Dolan quote. 


Anonymous said...
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Viola Larson said...

Sorry Anonymous-i don't allow anonymous comments.

Kathleen said...

For the life of me I don't understand how or why so many Christians feel "reproductive health" (aka abortion as birth control) and gay marriage are God's best for mortals.

A long time ago I came to the conclusion that some things just aren't blessable. So I hope & pray that godly people will step up to affirm life & marriage.

Blessings ...

Viola Larson said...

Hi Sassy,

I visited your blog. It is a great blog. We just must carry on following Jesus.