Saturday, November 17, 2012

Extra news about Gaza-Update

As most people know there is once again conflict in the Middle East. The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is asking that the media report the whole story.IPMN Condemns Violence in Gaza & Israel, Encourages Better Reporting From US Media Although I usually disagree with them this report is in alignment with their request. This is news about something happening in Gaza that I have not seen on the regular news.  It was sent to me by a friend with permission to post:

"17 November 2012

Hamas Detains Foreign Journalists in the Gaza Strip

(Communicated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

 Hamas is not allowing at least 22 foreign nationals who wish to exit the Gaza Strip for Israel to do so. Among the members of the foreign press being detained are nine Italian citizens, six citizens of Japan, one Canadian, one South Korean and a French national. In addition, two Turkish Red Crescent members have been refused exit.

 This violation of the human rights of neutral foreigners is yet another example of Hamas’ attempts to manipulate and pressure the press.

 For its part, Israel is keeping the Erez crossing into Gaza open, allowing passage to the foreign press, diplomats and humanitarian workers."

 Update-this is now being reported in other papers see-

Hamas Detains Foreign Citizens in the Gaza Strip at Algemeiner. 

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