Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Great divide Among the Orthodox

Years ago, working as a researcher for Apologetics Resource Center, I was examining the actions and theology of a group known as Aggressive Christianity, a group that was preying on the youth of evangelical churches. They were persuading them to enter their commune, leaving behind their church, families and friends. The leaders knew I was in the midst of my research and writing an article about them. One day we received their little newsletter. In its pages was a caricature of Walter Martin, evangelicals will know him as The Bible Answer Man, he was holding a dog by its leash. The dog had a name, Viola Larson, Heretic Hound.

All of us in the ARC laughed at this and even suggested we produce a button to wear with the name heretic hound.

 But the true gift of the insult was the letters we received from others who had also received the newsletter. Their big question, “Okay, tell us what this group is really into”?

This particular group was not Christian although they professed to be. Their beliefs and their actions had moved them far beyond the right to that holy title. They destroyed families and constantly insulted the Church, pastors and other Christians.

That was, as I stated, years ago, today, I am not laughing but grieving because of some who profess the name Christian and yet are willing, in the same manner, to insult other Christians, even lying about them. These are such troubling times and it seems to me that a great divide is happening among us. Not between the progressive and the orthodox but among the orthodox.

 I believe an idol is lifting itself up, attempting to pull the Church in pieces. Of course Satan is the one who wishes to destroy the Church and he does push idols in our path. But what that often means, in our own time, for the last several centuries,  is we turn our attention to human idols—we look for salvation in the human—those who magnify themselves as saviors—and we believe the lie, and so we lie. Examples are endless.

Several weeks ago I was troubled to find a friend had posted a video produced by Jon Harris who insists he is reformed and orthodox while at the same time appearing to be racist. In his video, “Why are all my friends Marxists, he places a quote by Abraham Lincoln. It is actually from a debate with Stephen Douglas during Lincoln’s campaign to become Senator. Lincoln states:

 I am not nor ever have been in favor of bringing about the social and political equality of the white and black races that I am not nor ever have been of making voters or jurors of Negroes nor qualifying them to hold office, or intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality … I will add to this that I have never seen, to my knowledge, a man, woman or child who was in favor of producing a perfect equality, social and political, between negroes and white men.

Harris is attempting to prove that Lincoln did not fight the Civil War over slavery but for political power. Henry Louis Gates, the “Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director of the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research at Harvard University,” seeing the quote in a different context looks at the evolving views of Lincoln. He writes, “But the truth is that until very late in his presidency, Lincoln was deeply conflicted about whether to liberate the slaves, how to liberate the slaves and what to do with them once they had been liberated.” Gates concludes:

“Two things dramatically changed Lincoln’s attitudes toward black people. First, in the early years, the North was losing the Civil War, and Lincoln quickly realized that the margin of difference between a Southern victory and a Northern victory would be black men. So, despite severe reservations that he had expressed about the courage of black troops (“If we were to arm them, I fear that in a few weeks the arms would be in the hands of the rebels…”), Lincoln included in the Emancipation Proclamation a provision authorizing black men to fight for the Union.

Three days before he was shot, Lincoln stood on the second floor of the White House and made a speech to a crowd assembled outside celebrating the recent Union victory over the Confederacy. With his troops and Frederick Douglass very much in mind, Lincoln told the cheering crowd, which had demanded that he come to the window to address them, that he had decided to recommend that his 200,000 black troops and “the very intelligent Negroes” be given the right to vote.”[1]

It was evidently this last speech that was the cause of his death at the hands of John Wilkes Booth.

With another video Harris attempts to prove that Ahmaud Arbery’s death was not murder. Additionally Harris attempts to attach both a secular and a progressive viewpoint onto those Evangelicals who are concerned about racism. Because they use some terms which are academic and secular, such as critical race theory, as tools in their ministry to overcome racism within the church Harris calls them “woke” Christians.

Harris, in many videos has disparaging words to say about almost all well-known Evangelicals. This includes Russell Moore, The Gospel Coalition, Beth Moore, Mark Dever, Timothy Keller, even Rosaria Butterfield, the lady who was a lesbian professor who became a Christian and married a conservative Reformed pastor.

The awful put downs of those whom God is using during this troubling time cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit. The disquieting divisive comment made by another friend is simply a lie. Concerned because David French, Senior Editor of The Dispatch was encouraging Christians to not be afraid of their witness the person uttered what I consider one of the most contemptible lies about a fellow Christian. He wrote, “French and his wife now seem to agree with the policies of the Democrat party straight down the line, including infanticide and persecution of Christians who dissent from LGBT.”
But rather David French wrote, in his article, “How then Should Christians Vote:”

Assuming Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, I can’t vote for him. Even if I do like some of the things he’s done, he lacks the character to be president. But I cannot join some of my Never Trump friends in backing the Democratic nominee. Many of them may well pass the character test, but I cannot vote for a person who would put in place policies I believe are harmful and potentially destructive—especially to unborn life.

These words by French are part of his faith commitment. They are his commitment to Jesus Christ. How can any Christian in these times attempt to assassinate another’s character as Jon Harris and the Christians on my Facebook page are doing? Many are looking to Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Confessing Church as examples of how the Church must act today. They see the division between the German Christians and the Confessing Church as a reflection between the orthodox and the progressives of today—and some of that is so—but the story and the reflection is far more complex than many imagine.  Yes, the German Christians as a whole were liberal, even progressive, in their theology. But they were also nationalist. Their vision of the greatness of their nation and their desire to be power players in that nation put them at odds with the Confessing Church.

I return to the insults, the lies—the gift in this case is the privilege of standing on the side of Christ, the crucified Christ.

Perhaps we have forgotten our true calling.

[1] Henry Louis Gates Jr. “Was Lincoln a Racist?”

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret - A Book Review

Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret

By Don & Joy Veinot and Marcia Montenegro

MCOI Publishing LLC

March 2020
By Viola Larson

In 2010 after listening to Suzanne Stabile, considered an expert on the Enneagram, place the enneagram above the authority of Scripture and the Lord Jesus Christ I wrote about it on my blog, Naming His Grace. A friend, Marcia Montenegro, who I had met at an Evangelical Ministry to New Religions conference, let me know she was writing an article evaluating it from a biblical perspective. Recently, Montenegro together with Don & Joy Veinot have written an excellent book, Richard Rohr and the Enneagram, from both a biblical and historical perspective. Since Richard Rohr is the main promoter of the Enneagram within Christianity they examine his theology as it relates to the person of Jesus Christ.

Montenegro and the Veinots, evangelical Christians, are concerned because the use of the Enneagram has entered the evangelical church. Two evangelical publishers have published books which promote the use of the Enneagram as a means of Christian growth. Some Christian churches and organizations such as Intervarsity have used the Enneagram as a spirituality tool. Both Montenegro and the Veinots are uniquely qualified to analyze and write about the problems with Rohr’s theology and the history and biblical problems of the Enneagram.

Don Veinot is an ordained minister and the president of Evangelical Ministries to New Religions. He is the author of several books including Preserving Evangelical Unity: Welcoming Diversity in Non-Essentials. He has written for many Evangelical publications including Christian Research Journal, Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics and the Midwestern Journal of Theology. Montenegro, before becoming a Christian, was involved in the occult, Eastern spirituality and astrology. She was chairperson of the Astrology Board of Examiners and “President of the Astrological Society in Atlanta, GA.” Since becoming a Christian Montenegro has an M.A. in Religion from Southern, Evangelical Seminary and serves as a missionary with Fellowship International Mission. She has written Spellbound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today’s Kids; her web site is Christian Answers for the New Age.[1]

Undoubtedly the most important feature of Richard Rohr and the Enneagram is that every subject covered is enveloped in Scripture. A non-Christian could not read this book without at least coming to an awareness of the good news of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. A Christian who reads the book will find clarity that comes from Scripture concerning the various deviations taken by teachers of the Enneagram as well as the theology of Richard Rohr.

The basic description of the enneagram given by the authors is:

It is a geometric design consisting of a circle with equilateral triangle and an irregular hexagram inside which touches the circle at nine points. The current version has numbers added at the touch points around the circle …[2]

They go on to explain, “Each number within the Enneagram is ‘a path,’ and with the help of Enneagram coaches and authors, it is up to the individual to discover their personal path.”[3] The authors then explore what “personal path” means within the context of the Enneagram versus Scripture.

One of the very interesting subjects of the book is the true history of the Enneagram versus the false history. Most enneagram authors, teachers and coaches, even Christian ones, will insist that the enneagram is ancient. That is false but the true history begins with a 19th century esoteric teacher George I. Gurdieff. The authors write that “Gurdieff believed all the secret laws of the universe could be seen in his diagram, and he used it to play around with mathematical formulas—what he called the ‘Law of Seven and the ‘Law of Three.’[4] According to the author’s research Gurdieff never used the Enneagram for “character or personality assessment” as contemporary coaches and teachers do.

Montenegro and the Veinots follow the history to Richard Rohr a Catholic priest whose books are popular among mostly progressive Christians but also among some evangelicals. One of his most popular and latest book is The Universal Christ. Rohr, who is a panentheist,[5] divides the person of Jesus, separating His divinity from his humanity. The authors’ write, “Since Rohr teaches that the first Incarnation of Christ was Creation Christ is literally in Creation.” And then quote Rohr:

“God is not just saving people; God is saving all of creation. This is not pantheism (God is everything), but panentheism (God is in everything).
Christ is the eternal amalgam of matter and spirit as one. They hold and reveal one another. Wherever the material and human coincide, we have the Christ. That includes the material world, the natural world, the animal world (including humans), and moves all the way to the elemental world …)[6]

Montenegro and the Veinots also analyze Rohr’s understanding of the Bible. They write, “Rohr believes the Bible reveals men’s thoughts at different stages of consciousness. He refers to Ken Wilber’s (1949-) theory of “Spiritual Dynamics®” of colors to explain this.” [7] In the same why Rohr has an unorthodox view of sin, atonement, resurrection and salvation. Quoting Rohr the authors write:

Rohr argues that “salvation is not a question of if but when.” Rohr believes everything and everyone will be swept into the final point of perfection drawn to that end by Christ.
“All who look at the world with respect,” writes Rohr, “even if they are not formerly religious, are en Cristo, or in Christ.”[8]

The authors explain how this heretical view of Jesus, Bible and redemption feeds into Rohr’s use of the Enneagram and other contemporary teachers including evangelical writers and teachers. Much of the problems circle around the idea of having a supposedly core true self and a false self. The Enneagram is meant to uncover the true self. This raises several issues such as using a “tool,” the Enneagram, rather than Scripture for spiritual growth. And another, although made in the image of God, humanity is fallen, the image is broken, we do not have a true self. As Christians we have the undivided Lord Jesus Christ—that is our identity.

Montenegro and the Veinots in their book explore such teachers, coaches and writers as Suzanne Stabile and Ian Cron who wrote, The Road Back to You, Chris Heuertz who wrote The Sacred Enneagram and has a new book published by Zondervan, The Enneagram of Belonging: A Compassionate Journey of Self-Acceptance.  Another Beth McCord is an Enneagram coach whose past teachers were mainly new agers.

Don and Joy Veinot and Marcia Montenegro have provided the Christian Church with a well-researched book about the Enneagram. It isn’t just about heresy but is filled with orthodox theology and an excellent exegete of Scripture as it pertains to the spiritual life of the Christian. They clear away all of the lies, seductive nonsense and misplaced applause to instead honor Scripture and the Lord Jesus Christ.

[1] Rohr and the Enneagram, See “About the Authors,” 152-153.
[2] Enneagram, 21
[3] Ibid, 22.
[4] Ibid.,60
[5] A panentheist sees God as the head is to the body, in other words creation is a part of God but not all of God.
[6] Ibid., 72,73, found at Richard Rohr, “The Christification of the Universe” Center for Action and contemplation (CAC) website (Sun., Nov. 6, 2016) https://cac.orgthe-christification-of-the-universe-2016-11-06/. And Richard Rohr. “This is My Body” (Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) website (Mon., March 4, 2019); 
[7] Enneagram.74.
[8] Ibid.,74, quotes from Richard Rohr, The Universal Christ, 225, 120.