Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dr. Peter Makari: A denominational leader making friends with hate

It has been several years since I looked through my racists and anti-Semitic files. It is like rummaging through garbage—I feel as though I need to wash my hands afterwards. Tonight I had reason to pull them out and reread. I was interested in some files on the Liberty Lobby—their paper Spotlight as well as the Institute For Historical Review. All founded by Willis Carto. The latter is an organization whose main purpose is to deny the Holocaust.  One brochure I have from them, yellow with age, entitled, “Leon Degrelle Epic: The Story of the Waffen begins with this.
A Million European Volunteers fighting on the Eastern Front—Fighting to save Europe, their homelands and families. Less than half of them were German, yet they all fought side by side—the first truly European army ever to exist.
The words are of course referring to Hitler’s army.

In another paper, tapes of conferences speeches are offered such as “The International Holocaust Controversy” by Arthur R. Butz., or “SS ‘Confessions’ about Auschwitz.” These are denials of the Holocaust. 
I write this because recently, Dr. Peter Makari, Executive for Middle East and Europe, United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), two of the denominations who along with most mainline denominations, including my denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), sent a letter to Congress asking them to investigate Israel before sending them anymore military aid, gave an interview to the “successor” of Liberty Lobby, American Free Press.[1] 

The title of the interview is Churches call for Congressional investigation on Military aid to Israel. The Simon Wiesenthal Center in their press release, Wiesenthal Center denounces church’s senior Middle East Executive interview with extremist American Free Press  explains that American Free Press “is regarded as the successor to the now defunct Liberty Lobby’s Spotlight.

 American free Press offers such books as Made in Israel: 9-11 and the Jewish Plot Against America and Northern Traditions. Amazon includes, in their description of the latter book,                            “By combining academic level material with practical work the aim of the book is to take contemporary pagan practices to a new level where they can be accepted as a serious spiritual movement.” American Free Press gives this description:
Faith in the old gods of the Germanic people has been reawakening in the modern world as the Christian religion is forcibly sucked into New World Order socialism and perverted by the forces of political correctness. But who are the ancient gods of the white race, and what do the ancient scriptures of the pagan religion mean?
On the site of American Free Press, at the time of my writing, is an article and pod-cast, “Black gun violence leaves white man paralyzed. There is an ad for anti-Semite identity preacher, Pete Peter’s, radio program. There is a link, hard to find, to The Barnes Review with a link on that page back to the American Free Press. The Barnes Review is connected to the American Free Press. It was founded by the same person who founded the Institute For Historical Review, Willis Carto. On the Barnes Review are such books as “The Work of All Ages: The Ongoing Plot to Rule the World from Biblical Times to the Present,” which seems to be another version of the Protocol’s of the Elders of Zion.

All of the dirtiness of the Nazi area is on the pages of these two sites, and yet Makari is willing to give them an interview. The letter sent to Congress by the leadership of the mainline denominations was outrageous but the connection between Makari and American Free Press is obscene. [2]

[1] Part of the letter stated,We urge Congress to undertake careful scrutiny to ensure that our aid is not supporting actions by the government of Israel that undermine prospects for peace. We urge Congress to hold hearings to examine Israel’s compliance, and we request regular reporting on compliance and the withholding of military aid for non-compliance. “
[2] See also,

Mainline Spokesman Speaks to Anti-Semitic Publication by David Fischler


Joseph Cejka said...

Great work! You expose the link between two great tides of irrational hatred. Thank you.

Viola Larson said...

Thank you for commenting Joseph.