Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Reformed African American, Eric C. Redmond, on the election

Interested in how some African American pastors, who are truly reformed, were reacting to Barack Obama's election victory I scanned some of my favorite sites. I discovered this wonderful piece over at Justin Taylor's site, Between Two Worlds. "Living Soli Deo Gloria Under Obama" by Eric C. Redmond who is the author of Where Are All the Brothers? Straight Answers to Men's Questions About the Church.

Redmond, after giving his concerns about voting with his ethnic group and yet desiring to honor Jesus Christ by standing for righteousness via traditional marriage and upholding the sacred rights of the unborn quotes Proverbs 24:10-12 and writes:

"I cast my vote in the hopes of rescuing those being taken to the slaughter. I could not vote in such a way that I would have ignored the blood flowing from fertility clinics, for I know that the Almighty would repay my cowardice. My hope in his word is that he will remember me and graciously and provide for my life, repaying me with mercy."

He then turns to the victory of Obama and writes:

"The government only allows this sin [abortion] to receive legal permission and protection. Nevertheless, that same government provides many laws that allow me to worship in freedom, preach the Gospel freely, vote in an election, and write blog posts like this one without fear of censorship or death. I readily can recognize the retention of "some kind of just government" under President Obama's rule."

Finally he concludes with this:

"Those who fought for civil rights for African Americans were doing so out of a moral impetus to see African Americans treated humanely—as human beings rather than like chattel or as 3/5ths-human. I think the best way to honor their work and lives when the office of Commander in Chief is within reach would be to continue that moral quest. That quest is continued by finding a candidate who seeks to see African Americans, even those in the womb, treated humanely—as people rather than as cattle for our labor and experimentation or as a 3/5th-human fetus."

I can hardly do justice to the article without posting the whole so please although it is a rather long do read it.