From a sermon by Dietrich Bonhoeffer using the text Luke 12:35 -40:
"And now it seems as if, in this attempt to create a new kind of human being, the Bible also wants to have a word to say, as if it definitely sets up its own ideal of the human being who should go out to meet the future. It is not the political, not the ethical not even the religious person of whom the Bible speaks, but the person who is waiting and watching, the waiting person. For that is obviously what our text is saying. That is the meaning of this scene that Jesus paints before our eyes: night has fallen across the dark countryside. But there is a house from which light shines out into the night. Several men, with their swords at their belts and lamps in their hands, are looking out of the house across the dark countryside. They seem to be waiting. They are slaves awaiting the return of their master from the wedding, who fight off sleep and keep watch in joyful expectation to be able to open the door immediately for the master when he comes. No one knows the hour when he will come. But they know that he is coming, and that is why they are alert and watchful in the night. How long did they keep watch? No one knows--it may be that they are still keeping watch today among us. and now Jesus calls these slaves blessed and says to the disciples: so be like the slaves who are waiting for the master. You be ready, too! Be people who are waiting." [1]
[1]Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Ecumenical Academic, and Pastoral Work: 1931-1932,
"It is not the political, not the ethical not even the religious person of whom the Bible speaks, but the person who is waiting and watching, the waiting person."
Jodie I'm glad you like Bonhoeffer. remember "But they know that he is coming, and that is why they are alert and watchful in the night." And they have both their sword, (the word) and a lamp (the word) with them.
Hi Viola, You are welcome!! That's what I think of as unity. God gave you a message that I so needed then He gave me a song that you wanted and needed. God is good, all the time!! Thank you again for being so faithful to Him.
ah...When Morning Gilds the Skies. Sadly, one of the relatively few really singable songs in the Blue Hymnal (IMHO). Wish we sang it more.
Bonhoffer can be like a blank canvas. We can all see something we like there, for he wrote so much, and most of it was brilliant. I know more than one person who found their way back to Church because of him.
"It is not the political, not the ethical not even the religious person of whom the Bible speaks, but the person who is waiting and watching, the waiting person."
I like Bonhoeffer.
Just perfectly beautiful.
I finished reading those words and immediately began to softly sing "When Morning Gilds The Skies"
Thank you, Viola!
Thanks Chas Jay,
i looked along time last night for a song and didn't find anything I thought fit. That is perfect.
Jodie I'm glad you like Bonhoeffer. remember "But they know that he is coming, and that is why they are alert and watchful in the night." And they have both their sword, (the word) and a lamp (the word) with them.
Hi Viola,
You are welcome!! That's what I think of as unity. God gave you a message that I so needed then He gave me a song that you wanted and needed. God is good, all the time!!
Thank you again for being so faithful to Him.
ah...When Morning Gilds the Skies. Sadly, one of the relatively few really singable songs in the Blue Hymnal (IMHO). Wish we sang it more.
Bonhoffer can be like a blank canvas. We can all see something we like there, for he wrote so much, and most of it was brilliant. I know more than one person who found their way back to Church because of him.
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