"Learn hence the exceeding preciousness of souls, and at what a high rate God values them, that he gave his Son, his only Son out of his bosom, as a ransom for them. Surely this speaks their preciousness: 'You were not redeemed with corruptible things,as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ.' 1 Pet. 1:18. Such an esteem God had for them, that rather than they should perish, Jesus Christ shall be made a man, yea, a curse for them. O then learn to put a due value upon your own souls: do not sell that cheap for which God hath paid so dear; remember what a treasure you carry about you; the glory that you see in this world is not equivalent in worth to it. 'what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matt. 16: 26.
from: The Fountain of Life: Presenting Christ in His Essential and Mediatorial Glory by John Flavel a Pastor. The book was published in 1671. (picture by Stephen Larson)
What refreshment Viola, for each of us. How I need to be reminded of what God did for me but for all who put their trust in His Son.
It was the Matt. 16:26 verse you quote that spoke to my John's life and heart in 1964, as he graduated from college with the whole "world of opportunity" ahead of him. He was told he would loose an eye and that it was probably due to a malignant tumor. Within minutes the Matt. verse (learned in childhood) flashed into his mind and he was a new creation. For one who has since not done well in Memorize the Word courses he is thankful for those Bible Spelldowns of his youth and for praying parents.
Oh, sorry.
Suzanne Moody
Wichita, KS
It is refreshment Suzanne. John Flavel is my favorite Puritan writer. What is amazing is that he, a pastor in England, had to minister outside of the law, meeting in open fields, private homes, etc for twenty-five years. He wrote the book the quote is from during this time.
That is a wonderful story of grace, the one about your husband.
Sacramento, CA
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