Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Posting on a new subject:

I have not returned yet to my posts on Christianity, socialism, Marxism and its various turns and twists within the different people's movements in the post-modern world. When I do return it will be to explain a socialism and Marxism mixed and blended with some extreme far right issues from the past, such as "blood and soil" and "green movements" that were birthed from fascism. (This is not to say that most green movements are fascist.)

But for the time, and because of various twists and turns in the mainline Churches, I have decided to first do some posts on a small booklet written by Karl Barth in 1933 just as the Confessing Church entered its deepest struggles. My first post will be just above this one. But I will later return to the post on extreme socialism and Marxism with a broader base to work from.

1 comment:

will said...

Thanks for this series.