It is truly unbelievable that Christian Century trustees and the executive editor would want to retain the name of a former editor who is now associate editor of an organization that publishes articles by the former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke.
In a sense that puts the Progressive Christian Century in bed with—well the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan as well as a whole assortment of anti-Semites.
James Wall exists as the Henry Ford of our day. He needn’t write The International Jew;
he simply approves, applauds and makes official those who do. He is the person whose past work and
reputation will either sway others away from their integrity or cause them to
finally wake up and say I will not go with him down that dark road.
You nailed it.
James M. Wall has gone full circle.
When he started out, he was harshly critical of southern white racists.
Now he's on the editorial board of a magazine that publishes their stuff.
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