A conference
to honor Phyllis Tickle and her recently released book, Emergence Christianity: What It Is, Where It
Is Going, and Why It Matters, was recently held in Memphis Tennessee. Given
that I had just written a
review of her new book I followed the event on Twitter. Since the
conference many emergent writers have written about the event, and I have also
read those. One such posting was “Emergence
Christianity ’13: Questions,” by Terry Ramone Smith. He is co-pastor of Church
of the Misfits, a Disciples of Christ church. Smith, in his article, is basically
troubled by the idea of Scripture as the sole authority for Christians (sola Scriptura). His arguments are spurious
but nevertheless important enough to examine.
Not only does this leave out huge stretches of women’s
history in the United States, relying simply on a small few decades, it also
fails to note any place in the Bible where women are confined to the home. 1 Timothy
certainly encourages younger women, if they are widows, to remarry, “bear
children, keep house, and give the enemy no occasion for reproach.” This is in
contrast to going about the neighborhood gossiping and getting into other
people’s business.
But nothing in these verses confines a woman strictly to her
house or the vocation of house-keeping. In the New Testament one can read accounts
of women sewing for the poor (Acts 9:36-42), doing business for the church (Rom.
1:1-2), teaching others (Acts 18:24-28), prophesying (Acts 21:7-9), being sent
to do the Lord’s work (an apostle) (Rom. 1:7), mothering house churches (Acts
16: 14-15; 40)[1]
and more.
In fact in the Gospels, Jesus commends his friend Mary for leaving
kitchen duties in order to listen to him teach. A woman working outside of the
home does nothing to contradict the Scriptures. In fact, if one searches both
the New and Old Testament one finds women busy in many ways inside and outside
of the home.
Next Smith suggests that in the push for LGBT rights the
authority of Scriptures was challenged. Yes, it has been challenged but
Christianity has stood, and will continue to stand against the activist push.
There is no place in the Scriptures where homosexuality is praised or blessed;
instead the Scriptures offer love, forgiveness and transformation. Jesus
upholds, in his words about marriage and divorce, the biblical definition of
marriage which is between a man and a woman. He goes back to Genesis and places the definition in God’s account of the beginning of marriage. One cannot answer any question about human sexuality and morality without the Genesis text.
Next Smith suggests that the church see the Scripture as
true but not factual. Using the book of Jonah as an example Smith wants to see
all of the text as metaphor or as an analogy. And he suggests reconsidering the
canon. He even goes so far as to state that the Coptic New Testament contains
87 books in contrast to the western New Testament which contains 27.
F.F. Bruce in his book, The
Books and the Parchments: How we got our English Bible in the chapter “Other
Early Versions,” under “Coptic” does not state that the Coptic version contains
that many more books than the western versions. The same is true of Bruce M.
Metzger’s two books on the formation of the N.T. text. In his, The Early Versions of the New Testament: Their
Origin, Transmission and Limitations, there is a whole chapter on Coptic early versions of the N.T.;
there is nothing about 60 extra books.
Finally, Smith suggests adding manuscripts to the canon of
Scripture. He writes:
I think next, we need to
realize and live into the fact that we are living in a world that is
extra-Biblical. Until and if our canon is revisited, it is
incomplete. I urge you, pastors of faith communities, to consider what
books are worthy of the canon for your community. What makes sense to be
in your Holy Book? Does some works by Brian McLaren deserve to be in there?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Phyllis Tickle? Charles Darwin? Henri Nouwen?
While Tickle and Darwin might think that was appropriate, I
doubt that Bonhoeffer or Nouwen would. I am uncertain of McLaren. Smith’s
posting is a mockery of all that belongs to the follower of Christ.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in his small book, Psalms: the Prayer Book of the Bible writes:
The Holy Scriptures is the Word
of God to us. But prayers are the words of men. How do prayers then get into
the Bible? Let us make no mistake about it; the Bible is the Word of God even
in the Psalms. Then are these prayers to God also God’s own word? That seems
difficult to understand. We grasp it only when we remember that we can learn
true prayer only from Jesus Christ, from the word of the Son of God, who lives
with us men, to God the Father who lives in eternity.
Bonhoeffer goes on to explain how praying through Christ allows
the prayers of God to become the prayer of men and then again the prayers of
men become the prayers of God. But the important thing I wish to be seen here
is that Bonhoeffer is very clear that the Bible is the Word of God. Bonhoeffer
would declare, alongside the Church universal, that any attempt to add extra
material to the word of God is heresy—it is sticking a knife into and wounding
the faithful. And, most of all it is an insult to God who has given his word as
a gift to his people.
The church’s prayer should be that God would pick up the
poor, misguided, wandering sheep of the Emergent movement and carry them on his
shoulders until they are established again in his green and healthful pastures.
[1] In
this case one reads of a woman who was not only a merchant but also provided a
place for the church at Philippi.
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