Sunday, October 2, 2011

My stream of consciousness on a Monday morning-

Because today is Monday

He will be there in the daily routine;
coffee cup in hand I will know his presence.
Hands on my key-board-I will sing his praises, maybe with words. 

As I walk down the back stairs with my loads of wash
and feel the wind of a coming storm I remember that he brought peace to a stormy sea just as the boat seemed to be sinking.

There is another storm looming beyond the horizon; I know it is there; I feel the tension in the words of a book.

Awful words, awful book I am reading. 
May I find good words for the review; bring his mercy to another's words. Awful words.
They are leaving you know.
At least four now-perhaps more.
It is lonely-it will be lonely
standing this way.
Awful words; they, the words, rend the body apart
for the sake of sin
"In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21:25)"
But Lord you are King, and you are present .

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