One of my grandsons, Penny's son, Sheldon', quizzing group went to the internationals in Canada and won the eighth position. If you don’t know what quizzing is - Its learning various books of the Bible by heart and then being on a team that jumps fast to finish quotations started during the match. This time Sheldon, in the back in blue with glasses, memorized all of 1st and 2nd Corinthians.
My two great granddaughters, Luna and Molly, are still wonderful and another grand child is on his/her way. Here
are some pictures.

One of my grandsons, Penny's son, Sheldon', quizzing group went to the internationals in Canada and won the eighth position. If you don’t know what quizzing is - Its learning various books of the Bible by heart and then being on a team that jumps fast to finish quotations started during the match. This time Sheldon, in the back in blue with glasses, memorized all of 1st and 2nd Corinthians.

Here is another Grandson, Ethan, who graduated this year and is going to California Maritime

=And then there is Ethan's mom, Molly's grandma, and Melissa's Mom, Jennifer, who received her BA (summa cum laude) in Geography this Spring. She will go on to Davis in a year.
-Melissa is the mother of Molly and just recently had an art piece accepted for the art auction on Sacramento's PBS. She also won first place in sculpture for the
same event. I am not sure what that one looks like but here is another.

=I am having trouble placing items where they should go but you can figure them out: )
Molly and Lexi look like you and Ethan looks like Brad!
Debbie Berkley
Bellevue, WA
"All your life an unattainable ecstasy has hovered just beyond the grasp of your consciousness. The day is coming when you will wake to find, beyond all hope, that you have attained it, or else, that it was within your reach and you have lost it forever." What a statement! So true.
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