Monday, June 21, 2010

What direction is the wind blowing? What wind is blowing?

Over the weekend I placed a video on my posting, with a song "Which way the wind blows." Some of the words are:

Where is your wisdom
You don't know which way the wind blows
So how can you plan tomorrow.

I believe a very foul wind is blowing for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). History has never totally repeated itself, but anti-Semitism repeats itself over and over. Let it not be us oh Lord.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Israel/Palestine Mission Network, it seems to me, is always moving where the stench is growing. While some of their connections are with the needy people of Palestine their political pushiness is lodged in other places. For instance on IPMN’s Facebook page they link to several online accounts of a recent protest in Oakland California. There both protesters and longshoremen supposedly kept an Israeli ship from being unloaded for 24 hours. Not a great deal, but those at IPMN were able to say they were there. (Picture: David Becker and Alliance Coalition by Zombie)

One article in the
S, F. Gate which IPMN points to starts, “(06-21) 04:00 PDT OAKLAND -- Hundreds of demonstrators, condemning Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, picketed at the Port of Oakland on Sunday and may have prevented an Israeli cargo ship from unloading for the day.
Two shifts of longshoremen agreed not to cross the picket line, leaving nobody to unload the vessel.”

The reporters, Victoria Colliver and David R. Baker, who wrote the article for the San Francisco Chronicle, stated that Richard Becker, with the ANSWER Coalition said that “some [longshoremen] workers showed up for the morning shift, but virtually none did for the second.”

In pointing to this particular article IPMN states “
IPMN members were part of the crowd of protesters in Oakland!” You will need to scroll down on the page in the link. (If you do not have a Facebook account you may not be able to see this link.)

If you are interested in David R. Becker and the ANSWER Coalition go to
San Francisco "Anti-War" Rally: The New Communist/Truth/Jihad Alliance. (But be careful there are some offensive pictures there.) I have also placed a picture of David R. Becker and ANSWER Coalition at this earlier rally at the top of my posting.

This is at Zoombietime a photo journalist, who has also written an enlightening article on the protest: Radicals, Islamists and Longshoremen blockade Israeli ship in Oakland. Zombie writes of David Becker, ANSWER and the earlier protest, "The rally was put together by ANSWER, a communist/Islamist revolutionary group."

To continue about the radical bent of the IPMN if one remembers the recent anti-Semitism of news woman Helen Thomas- she now has a Facebook page
Helen Thomas, Friend of Palestine & American Hero in a Time of Scoundrels. And Polly Johnson secretary of IPMN has joined it. (once again if you are not connected to Facebook you might not see Thomas’s page.) And in case you don’t know about the Helen Thomas incident here is the video.

While the very far left and the anti-Zionist groups are joining forces, I think we have to expect a further erosion of integrity on the part of some few edges of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). From accusing Jewish organizations in the United States of sending a bomb in the mail and burning down churches (and then refusing to apologize when confronted with the truth) to posting the radical Islamic film
I am Israel, to joining forces with the Alliance Coalition in Oakland the Presbyterian IPMN is headed in a direction that should cause Church members great alarm. May the wind of the Holy Spirit melt us with grief.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing out the connection (even if only mutual participation) between IPMN and ANSWER. The latter is a front for the Workers World Party, a neo-Stalinist organization that is one of the only defenders of the Kim Jung-il dictatorship. Given ANSWER's love of totalitarians, it's no surprise that they are also defenders of Hamas and Hezbollah, and pretty much any other terrorist group dedicated to killing Jews. IPMN's willingness to march with ANSWER says more than enough about them.

David Fischler
Woodbridge, VA

Viola Larson said...

It is very, very, hard for me not to equate some of IPMN's actions with early forms of anti-semitism in Germany before Hitler got elected.