Thursday, June 11, 2009

A redone: Falling sunflowers, falling tears and falling Churches

I have removed the last posting I put up because I found the information on the Presbytery web site calender. I have no way of showing that it was not there before. It is possible that it went up over the weekend and I did not see it. I know I have been looking for it for a while, nonetheless it is there. I will still post the rest of my material.
I came home this afternoon from my Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting and visited my garden. In my garden, two beautiful sunflowers, one just beginning to bloom, lay destroyed. One, the biggest, which had undoubtedly bloomed early in the morning, had the flower head totally missing. The other, with several blooms, had its flower petals shattered all over the new sprouting beans. I found myself crying.

But, something more painful then lost flowers is troubling me, and I am sure that is why I reached the point of tears. At CPM, I discovered that this Tuesday and Monday evening our
Presbytery had meetings with two members from the General Assembly Task Force on the investigation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church's role in churches leaving the PCUSA. My first problem was I did not know about the meetings and I should have been there. (I may have just missed the calender postings which must have been placed there very late.)
When I found out I was devastated, because I have a story to tell and some very strong feelings about my brothers and sisters in the EPC.
I may have told my story before, but I will tell it again. My husband and I were the only members of Sacramento Presbytery, that I know of, that were attending the General Assembly’s Committee on Ecumenical Relations when the overture on the investigation came up for people outside of the committee to speak to. (I was there for a different overture.) The only person who stood up to speak for that overture was the former pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Sacramento, David Thompson.

He is the person who filed the complaint against our Presbytery for coming to a settlement with the
First Presbyterian Church of Roseville and Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church. He thought that we had not asked for enough money. He actually suggested in Presbytery that they should give up their church buildings.

Thompson, in the GA committee meeting, said that the EPC had stolen several of our biggest churches and millions of dollars from our Presbytery. The truth is there is only one person who has caused Sacramento Presbytery to lose thousands of dollars.

That is my story, and here are my feelings. As most people know who read my articles I have strong feelings about ordaining practicing homosexuals. I believe it would be ordaining those who willfully sin and will not repent of that sin. I believe it would bring great damage to our churches and to sinners who need the transforming grace of Christ.

But insisting that we as a denomination should break fellowship with another body of believers in the Church catholic because some of our members and churches, for conscience sake, have moved to their denomination, is sin.

It isn’t that it will damage our churches; it will bring them to ruin. It isn’t that it will keep sinners from being transformed; it will make great and horrific sinners out of all of us. And that outcome bothers me more than the possibility of our denomination ordaining practicing homosexuals.

I beg of my Church, the PCUSA, to be on the side of righteousness and not be the persecutors of the people of God.
The dates on the calender are here:,com_events/Itemid,37/. I apologize to all those who commented, since I also deleted your comments.


ghallead said...


The "cached" copy of the webpage as of May 28 does not show the meeting... Don't know if this helps or not but you can check this cached copy of the calendar:,com_events/Itemid,37/+,com_events/Itemid,37/&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

ghallead said...

Sorry to hear of the seeming short notice given, Viola. I checked Google's cached copy of the page dated 28 May and it shows no entry as of 8:00 pm. That can be found here:,com_events/Itemid,37/+http//,com_events/Itemid,37/&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

Unfortunately Yahoo's cached copy doesn't show dates but has a similar calendar without the meeting:

You may be able to retrieve the previous postings from your own cache file on your computer if you can find a tech saavy person to check...

Viola Larson said...

Glen that was very nice of you to send that--but it was for the month of May. And I think that might be the problem. I kept checking ahead to June but I find that often things are not added until right as the month changes. I think the dates were probably just put up quite late.

Viola Larson said...

Sorry Glen once I get to June it is all the same. But thanks for your help and the enjoyment of playing around on the computer trying to find an early June Cached copy. It isn't going to happen, But I think the important thing is that we all need to insist that this GA Task Force listen to why the Churches actually left instead of a lot of ugly lies.

ghallead said...

Amen, Viola. I still can't figure out why we aren't working toward communion with EPC and PCA rather than conducting "investigations". Unless we like finding out that many of us are just more in line theologically with many of the standards of the EPC and PCA.

You are a blessing to the faith and to the denomination. I'll look forward to meeting you sometime.

Glen Hallead,
Wellsboro, PA

Viola Larson said...

Amen and back at you Glen.
Viola Larson,
Sacramento, Ca

Anonymous said...

This evokes many emotions in me. Fear for those who might be harmed if this becomes a witch hunt, anger for the injustice visited upon brothers and sisters in Christ in the EPC, shame for being a part of the PC(USA), despondency for our lack of vision, revulsion for slander to be promoted in my name.

Yes, I know the final report is not out. Yes, I know that it has a chance of being fair-minded.

But my almost 7 years of ordained ministry in the PC(USA) has already taught me this: to know what it looks like when a fix is in. For evangelicals in the PC(USA), losing is just the norm and I guess I just have to get over it.

Thanks Viola for your faithfulness. Can you write this committee and set up a conference call?

Viola Larson said...

This posting with an e-mail has been sent to Rev. Robina Marie Winbush Associate Stated Clerk and Director of the Department of Ecumenical and Agency Relations. It will be followed up with a phone call.

I hope that will help.

I actually have a lot more to say than I said in this posting.