Friday, July 4, 2008

Yes, I can change my mind!

I have had a change of mind, in part, about the posting I made titled Evelyn Waugh and the 218 General Assembly . After discussing my concerns with a friend who was in a much closer range than I of the podium, I believe the Moderator simply made several bad judgment calls and corrected one privately, never committing the others again.

However, I stand by my concerns that two Muslims helped to guide the commissioners in both the committee meeting and the business meeting in what should have been the commissioners' very Christian statement of faith. And I still insist that the question should be asked, "How do you witness to those who need Jesus Christ when what should be pastoral leadership stands between you and the lost?

For a complete report on the General Assembly with thoughtfulness, especially about the votes on human sexuality, I would hardily recommend Pastor Bob Davis' recent posting July 5, 2008: A Wrap-Up, of sorts. Please read to the end of his report.


Shawn said...

A number of people addressed the Assembly who did not have privilege of voice. I don't recall any of them being voted on by the assembly. Maybe they all should have, but the speaker in this case was not treated any different than any others.

Viola Larson said...

Having someone speak to an issue during debate and having guests speak to the Assembly before the overtures come up are two different things. If a person is going to speak to the commissioners during the debate they must have permission.

Presbyman said...

Wasn't Bob Gagnon denied the chance to speak to the Assembly about changing the Heidelberg Catechsim? If a liberal Muslim leader can be allowed to speak, why not a Presbyterian Elder and seminary professor??

Viola Larson said...

I don't know the answer to that, but I would like to know? I also wondered why if a Muslim was invited to speak to the committee on the same God issue, why a memember of the EPC wasn't asked to speak to the same committee on the issue of the EPC "stealing" churches? Perhaps it is time for the PCUSA to start inviting a diverse group of guest that includes some of the orthodox.