Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A terrible misundertanding about God

Many members of the Committee on Interfaith and Ecumenical Relationships seem to misunderstand the difference between belief in one common God, and belief in a particular "monotheistic"God. Just because someone believes in one God does not mean that they believe in all other monotheistic gods nor hold them in common.

In an attempt to not offend anyone the committee changed the wording "Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship a common God, although each understands that God differently" to “Though we hold differing understandings of how God has been revealed to humankind, the PC(USA) affirms our belief in one God, the God of Abraham, whom Jews and Muslims also worship.”

They have actually stated the same thing that the original overture stated and simply reversed the order. Perhaps if they had stated that the three faiths each worship a monotheistic God that would have been more acceptable. But given that they were simply guided by the thoughts of a western Islamic leader who is neither an Imam nor an Islamic scholar they had little help.

Her presentation of portions of the Muslim sacred text on Islamic tolerance was helpful when thinking about relationships between Christians, Jews and Muslims, but of little use for understanding the difference in the two views of deity.

As I have stated in another place on this same overture, "the sacred text of Islam does not reveal Jesus Christ as very God of very God although they do speak of Jesus. The Christian does not find grounds for the deity of Christ in any part of the Qur’an and no part of the Qur’an shadows a Messiah who comes to save his people from their sins. ...

God’s revelation has come to us in Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh, the Incarnation. We can only know God through Jesus Christ. That is not an understanding but rather revelation given from God’s side. We cannot get behind Jesus Christ to any other God. So we do not know the God of Islam. He is not our God."

All should pray that this overture be changed on the floor of the General Assembly. Jesus Christ is Lord of His Church and one way or another He will be lifted up by those who worship and adore Him.


will said...

I must admit - I was quite mystified by the thinking behind reversing the clauses in the overture. It struck me as a distinction without a difference - one that overlooked the essential problem with the overture in the first place.

Mac said...

Praying, praying, praying!

Thanks for your faithful witness.


Reformed Catholic said...

Shows what you get when you have committees that are too large, advised by staff that have a vested interest in the results, and not enough time to really understand the theological implications of such overtures.

BTW ... who selects the members of the committees ?? Is it random selection, or is there a 'vetting' process?

will said...

As of right this evening, the plenary ammended the item - removing the language left in by the committee.

This appears to be the version passed:

"2. State that though we hold differing understandings of how God has been revealed to humankind, the PC(USA) affirms that, as children of this loving God, we share the commandments of love for God and neighbor 2 , [and] the requirement to care for the poor."