Saturday, February 9, 2008

Jim Berkley on Words by the Stated Clerk and the Up-coming General Assembly

Presbyweb and Bayou Christian have both linked to Jim Berkley at IRD and I will too: Commentary: Cliff’s Notes on the Coming General Assembly. Given what I have been writing about, Marxism, Culture, Christianity and the Confessions I think this is an important read for all Presbyterians. Thanks Jim.

I am going to put an addition to this post; Michael Kruse of Kruse Kronicle has written quite a lot of material that disputes much of the supposedly factual information in the Confession of Accra that Stated Clerk Clifton Kirkpatrick is promoting. Some of Kruse's excellent posts are listed under Economic Fallacies Christians Believe and Economic Justice.


Bill Crawford said...

Wow that's a list of really smart people and me up there!

Berkley and Kruse are both deep thinkers! thanks for putting them together.

It I was pagan I'd think that somewhere there was a vast vacuum of knowledge to balance that out.

Viola Larson said...

Is that an oxymoron, "vast vacuum of knowledge" :)