Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Sad Event in Sacramento Today

I could hear the sirens streaming down Franklin but wasn't paying them any attention until my husband returned in the middle of the day and mentioned that there seemed to be an awful lot of police cars heading the other way as he came home. And then I noticed the sirens; they seemed to be endless. They were undoubtedly on Franklin and the freeway.

After turning on the TV we discovered that a police detective who worked with gang members had been shot as he attempted to get a young man to stop. As we watched on TV hundreds of law enforcement officers descended on a particular area in the Southern part of the city and at least five elementary schools locked down as well as multiple businesses. We watched police helicopters and a small police plane encircle the area. And saw three people arrested at gunpoint in one neighborhood. It seemed eerie to watch all of this on TV as though it was just some fictional detective show.

Several hours later the police detective, whose group had been working fairly successfully with Sacramento's growing gang problem, died from a gun shot in the neck. When I finally turned off the TV they still hadn't caught the person who had shot the policeman. I won't know until I turn the news back on tonight.

Pray for the family that has lost a son, and for the one who killed and his family. And pray for the gang members in Sacramento that the Holy Spirit will reach into their hearts and draw them home to safety, to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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