Thursday, March 27, 2025

Beauty ... And Threats Against Chief Justice Roberts


I have decided that I need to write again an article that features the false prophet Julie Green because of something I heard her prophesying. This is about MAGA also and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). But first I want to write about what splits the darkness we are experiencing.  I was so troubled this morning and praying about all of this darkness, both right and left, and God dropped a word in my heart, that is beauty, the beauty of Christ.

Jesus’ beauty outweighs and outlasts all of the darkness.

When we first moved to our house 39 years ago, I went searching for Christmas tree bangles. I found some Christmas balls, each with a large rose on them. The Song of Solomon speaks of one who says, I am the Rose of Sharon, the lily of the valleys. While this book of the Bible speaks of the beauty of human love, it holds beautiful images of Jesus and His Church. He is as a beautiful rose. He is also the Star of Balaam’s forced prophecy.

I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near; A star shall come forth from Jacob, a scepter shall rise from Israel, …

The rest of the prophecy speaks of the history of Israel but as the great composer Mendelssohn, a Jewish convert, saw and wrote, There Shall a Star From Jacob Come. The beauty of Jesus will eventually overcome this darkness.

What is fostering the darkness, the lies, the lack of care for the poor, sick, stranger and prisoner. Well of course Satan is always the originator as is human depravity, but there are several movements that are seemingly merging and pushing the present evil agenda. One is political MAGA, one is a combination of Christian nationalism and the NAR. Within MAGA are many who are only secular Christians who don’t understand the truths of scripture and among Christiam nationalism are many who twist Scripture and the creeds of Christianity.

To show how much the political and the religious is merging is a prophecy by Julie Green a false prophet connected to both NPR and MAGA. She has, as I have written before, spoken at Clay Clark and Michael Flynn’s Reawaken Tour. As I have pointed out before Donald Trump’s son Eric is also a part of this tour. Green has enveloped herself in much of the MAGA movement by being a part of the tour—she is well known and undoubtedly an influencer.

Where the political and her prophecies meet is with some of Trump’s battles against his perceived enemies.  Now it is the judicial system as he is involved in several court cases in his attempts to deport immigrants without due process, etc., etc. She just a few days ago spoke this, about Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts, which is supposedly God speaking through her.  She began by calling American leaders swamp rats, and then turns on Roberts:

“Justice Roberts, I will say your name again, you think because you have chief in front of your name and you are protected by the deep state that you can rule anyway you want or the way your puppet masters tell you and you will get away with it. Your days in the Supreme Court protected from your dark acts and your past against this nation well be exposed and I will remove you because I am the Judge over all the earth.

And you will no longer sit as a justice in the supreme court but in a jail cell where you belong while you await a trial to be sentenced for treason.

 I will show the world your dark secrets and how you committed treason on your … and helped steal the twenty-twenty election by your order from above to throw out or discredit any election fraud evidence and you passed this message along to the judges' nationwide through your secret servers- can throw out and damage and destroy the truth at all costs. I will show how you padded your pockets and how you are deeply connected to the sex trafficking world and that is why you have your position today.

But someone has everything they need to take you out completely, video and audio evidence along with numerous emails There all coming out to take you out justice Roberts. Justice is coming for you and your sentence is about to be handed down.”[1]

Now I could speculate that Green has links to people who have some vile plans or her illusions and hatred for leadership in the supreme court, and her idolatrous view of Trump—she has God calling him his David—is so great that she is able to form her own vile story. Whatever it is, this is extremely evil. She goes on to predict that this will happen to many judges and includes what she calls the establishment.

Besides these kinds of threats and they are threats, is the way Green destroys the word of God. She continually gives her followers courage using God’s promises. But then, with her prophecies and explanations causes the words to have no real meaning.   

Please understand that religiously focused MAGA people and some in the NAR are enraptured with the possibilities of her and other NAR prophets.  The money systems, supposedly, will collapse and the “true” believers will gain all of the wealth and power while all other leaders sit in jail or are killed. This is the root of evil. The temptation that Satan offered Jesus in the wilderness. He is now offering it to a misguided and broken people.

The Church, ensconced in the beauty of Christ, called to a life under the cross must stand away from the evils of these movements but stand soberly telling the truth and praising the purity, beauty and holiness of Jesus.


[1] LIVE WITH JULIE: THE DEEP STATE IS BEING ERADICATED FROM THIS NATION Several words were hard for me to understand so I left them out but those parts do not change any of this.


Craig said...

Obviously this kind of stuff is nonsense and should be called out.

I don't recall if you said anything or not, but it seems like the threats to multiple SCOTUS justices, after the overturning of Roe went largely unnoticed.

Viola Larson said...

They probably did which is sad.