Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Chistian Zionism, Not Really & the Awfulness of Oct 7th, Yes Really

Recently at one of the meetings of the women’s groups at my church I asked them to pray for me because I was becoming depressed reading all the stories of what had happened to some of the people in Israel. I felt I needed to read and listen to better understand so that I could write out of factual empathy. And I admit I wrote some out of anger. I sometimes went to bed weeping. I have placed a video at the end of this which will hopefully allow you to see and understand why the Presbyterian USA’s seminar is a travesty.

The Presbyterian Church USA is sponsoring a video seminar about what they call Christian Zionism. It is not totally about Christian Zionism which is only mentioned a few times, but is about simply Zionism and the wish that the Jewish state did not exist. Some familiar groups and people are a part of it: The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the PCUSA, World Mission’s Middle East and Europe office, the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, Office of Public Witness, Rev. Munther Isaac and a Rabbi from the Reconstruction Jewish Group.

I thought about attempting to write on all speakers but that is a long posting and basically they are all saying the same thing.  There are some parts I want to address. They do recommend the booklet produced by the Israel/Palestine Mission Network, Zionism Unsettled, a horribly antisemitic work. In past years when I was in the Presbyterian Church USA I wrote about this book at Telling stories that hurt and destroy: A review of Zionism Unsettled.

The authors of the booklet state and use various other antisemite’s statements to slander Zionism. They state that the Israelites who reside in Israel have no connection to ancient Israel an antisemite trope used by the vilest of antisemites. They fail to explain that five Arab nations started the 1948 war.  After writing of how respectful Muslims are they state of Zionism ““Zionism, however, has not reciprocated this respect for all peoples. Instead says Abu Sway, Zionism is by nature a system of discrimination and exclusion.” They defame God and Holy Scriptures by stating, “Zionism has succeeded in reanimating the nationalist tradition within Judaism. Its inspiration has been drawn not from the profound thoughts of the Hebrew Scriptures, but from those portions that betray a narrow and exclusive concept of a tribal god.” As I have pointed out in my earlier posting that is not only antisemitic but gnostic.

In the first video of the seminar Munther Isaac does speak at first of Christian Zionism but uses political terms putting aside the religious views. Using progressive definitions Isaac speaks of Israel as a state as “a settler colonial entity. He also speaks of the Oct.7th massacre as being separated by Western press from its context. He seemingly believes that Hamas was justified in their actions of rape, killing, mutilations and burning Jewish people alive while at the same time denouncing the just war theory. There is a lot of confusion in his statements.

I have listened to most of the first two videos, there is supposedly a third but I have not yet seen it. I want to end this posting by using a new documentary recently placed on YouTube. It is Screams Before Silence directed by Anat Stalinsky. I am doing this after listening to Isaac attempt to justify what happened on Oct. 7th, and after understanding all the years the PCUSA and the Israel/Palestine Mission Network maligned and attacked Israel as well as American Jews. There is no justification for what happened. Adults, not children, need to know what really happened—although for some this will be impossible to watch.

 Screams Before Silence (

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