Saturday, February 10, 2024

My Mail and a Candidate for Assembly in California


I just picked up my mail today; the only bit was a flyer with the front sporting a pair of pink boxing gloves with the words:

What does her role as Planned Parenthood of California’s chief lawyer tell you about how Maggy Krell will represent us?

Well, I don’t need to read the rest. She is interested in preserving the right to kill little boys and girls who are not yet born. The boxing gloves may be pink but they are not girlish, womanish, or sweet and nice. They should be blood red.

Inside it mentions that Krell is fighting for rights including the rights of children—but both scientifically and biblically unborn babies are children, little human beings who deserve the right to live.

Jesus took the little children to himself and blessed them. Life is the beautiful gift that God gives to everyone—to take it from the innocent is a horrific act.

While Detrich Bonhoeffer, one of the Confessing Martyrs during the Nazi time in Germany, in his book Ethics wrote that although at times it my be the community that bears the blame for abortion, when a mother is in great need, it is still murder. He wrote:

Marriage involves acknowledgement of the right of life that is to come into being, a right which is not subject to the disposal of the married couple. Unless this right is acknowledged as a matter of principle, marriage ceases to be marriage and becomes a mere liaison. Acknowledgement of this right means making way for the free creative power of God which can cause new life to proceed from this marriage according to his will.

And of course, this also applies to those who bring about life outside of marriage. The child is still God’s creation. We should pray that neither our nor other’s hearts be hardened by the murder of children. We should pray for but not vote for Maggy Krell.

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