And let me
quickly add that I don’t believe questions about the PC (U.S.A.)’s view of its mission
or its view of the universal church has yet been truly formulated and answered
by either my presbytery or the denomination. So here is the background.
At the
presbytery meeting first two speakers explained what an AC was doing about two
Korea churches who had simply withdrawn from both the denomination and their
properties. One church, Capital Korean, now has 49 people worshiping in their
church and according to the speaker are in need of healing. They hope to
emphasize their youth ministry.
Presbyterian church is consumed with problems. At the first meeting with those
who had not left, the speaker stated that 58 people were present but twenty of
them were people who wanted to leave but not with the pastor. The situation at
this church is troubling to the AC and the presbytery because the church owes a
huge debt. As I stated in another posting members of the presbytery wondered if
the people who left owned the property and should pay the debt. The report was
confusing but it seems as though the Presbytery is acknowledging that the
property with the debt is theirs.
The third
report was about Burney Presbyterian Church. The AC speaker for this church
stated that there were 10 people staying—this is out of around thirty people.
He stated that in the small town of Burney there was a need for a mainline
church and also for ministry to Hispanic youth. After the meeting, I asked him
if the 10 persons were attending church, because I had been told by a friend
that at first no one came. The speaker stated that no one was yet coming to the
church for worship because they did not yet have a pastor. This church was
taken from the members of Burney who wished to leave with their property and
yet no one is worshiping there!
The letter,
e-mail, that came to Journey’s session was to ask for a meeting and for a
gathering of mostly financial information but we were reminded of the various
information the PET would be looking at. They referred to the Presbytery’s new
dismissal policy. “Before negotiating the terms of dismissal the PNT shall
review, perform and/or obtain the following:”
Among other
bits of information PET needed to obtain they pointed to this: “The Presbytery’s mission strategy in the
geographic area, and the proximity of other PC (U.S.A.) congregations;”
However the
information the PET asked for was not about any of the ministries of Journey
but about their property and financial status. For instance there is this:
“As the PNT interprets
the policy, we are requesting specifically, but not limited to, the following:
1. Any tangible and or electronic
check registers, check stubs, canceled checks, bank statements, and
reconciliation statements, deposit books, statements of account, and all other
books and records covering transactions from January 1, 2010, to the present date., with respect
to any checking, savings accounts, credit union accounts, savings and loans associations
accounts, investment accounts held in the name of, or for the benefit, of the church or by any individuals or business entities on behalf of the church or in which the church has, or will
receive, an interest. (Including funds not yet dispersed as a
result of bequests of deceased persons.)”
And this:
“ 13.
Any and all documents pertaining to employment of the staff , including
but not limited all records showing the amount of accrued vacation sick leave,
and comp time , applications for
employment, notices of employment, notices of promotions, or salary/fringe
benefit increases, notice of demotions, pay deductions, discipline or
termination, notice of resignations of employment, written reviews of staff
work performance, any and all payment vouchers and records reflecting
contributions to and withdrawals and rights under any employment retirement
program, retirement plans, including Individual Retirement Accounts, pensions
plans, 401(k) plans, profit-sharing plans from all employment.
Records of Journey Church’s Session and Deacon meetings, including but
not limited to Minutes, confidential reports, emails, or other communications.
Records of financial reports including but not limited to treasurer
reports to Session and Deacons, the
congregation, sub-committees, budgets, revised budgets, data bases containing
financial information, passwords to
accounts held in electronic storage,”
This is all
about money, but there is that other question about the church universal—how do
these requests reveal the presbytery’s view of the ministry of the whole
church? And if one ignores the ministry and mission of Journey or any other
church what does that say about concern for mission. Is the PC (U.S.A.) the
only denomination who has a worthy mission?
Not far from
my house is a huge Salvation Army church. They have a large gym so that the
youth in the area can participate in sports. There is a Lutheran Church (Missouri
Synod) in the midtown area and a well-known artist, a member of the church, hosts’
city artists who work with clay. He even built a kiln for them to fire their work. Likewise, Journey Church is filled with
ministries—prison ministries, a food bank, Teen Challenge, an African school, the
list goes on and on.
The heart
that is generous and full of the love of God because of the life, death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ will rejoice in the Holy Spirit’s work in other
places of the vineyard. When the PC (U.S.A.) begins to value the universal
church in all of its true diversity—yes, including the Southern Baptist and the
Assemblies of God, many of our battles will be over. When the presbyteries see
the work of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and that of the Covenant Order
of Evangelical Presbyterians as enhancing the Kingdom of God there will be true
unity under the Lordship of Christ.