Because so many Presbyterian Churches send youth and others to Mexico on ministry,( my church, Journey, sends whole families, young people, children and adults to build a house and teach vacation Bible school as well as other services), I am posting about a ministry I know in Mexico. It began in Baja. And its story speaks of God's great mercy and love.
In the seventies, at the same time my family was attending Warehouse Ministries in Sacramento, we also on occasion traveled to Baja, to an orphanage, His Ministry. I wrote about it several years ago, “Rosa and Other Children of Mexico: A Story and A Poem.” For too many years we lost contact with the ministry, but several years ago regained contact. Or I should say my husband did by receiving their newsletter. One came today which turned out to be the 2013 Annual Report. My husband left it lying on the kitchen table and I just picked it up. I am amazed at God's care for his people.
This is a ministry that began in Baja in Colonia Vicente Guerrero.
The beginning of the story is on the ministries web site. It begins:
Now, according to their Annual Report, they have a ministry in Tijuana, (I was there for the beginning of that ministry.) a mission in Sinaloa (on the mainland) in Michoacán (on the mainland) and in Oaxaca, (on the mainland) which includes church planting and an outreach in the mountains. There are prison ministries and even help with music in a prison.God had a plan for the lives of Chuck and Charla Pereau, a fireman and housewife from North Hollywood, California. In 1966 they took an unforgettable journey 178 miles south of the U.S./Mexico border and received a supernatural call and vision. This would change not only their lives but the lives of countless others.
The vision came in the sound of children laughing at a place where there were no children…only old and crumbling adobe buildings. A verse from the Bible was whispered in Charla’s ear, “Lo the fields are white unto harvest…” As she looked, the sparse wild grasses around her were transformed into a waving field of grain. She and Chuck felt assured that God had brought them to this desert place. They prayed and shared the vision with a few trusted friends. God rewarded their faithfulness and soon they were able to purchase the old buildings on the 72 acres. Thus began “Hogar Para Niños,” FFHM’s first orphanage. Needy children came and were fed, clothed, loved, nurtured and discipled in Christian faith.
God's blessings are so many and so good.
*The picture is of one of the old and crumbling buildings, the theatre. My husband Brad took the picture almost forty years ago.
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