Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A prayer and song-for our journey

May God be with each traveler as we journey to the Fellowship meeting tomorrow. May we through Scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit follow Jesus the Lord of the Church. Father, draw us near to each other and provide for us a good, wholesome and holy place of ministry. May the fellowship of your adopted sons and daughters be both sweet and refreshing.

We are weary, bruised and sometimes in despair; increase our faith and courage. We are confused and unsettled; give us discernment and settle us deep in your presence. We are cranky and sometimes harsh, arrogant and to often self-serving; may we know only Jesus and him crucified.

Lamb of God the path we are following is filled with both your amazing light and the darkness of worldly seduction; keep us from evil, protect us from evil-let your righteousness be our righteousness, your peace our only power.

And give us Joy oh holy lord.

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