Monday, February 7, 2011

Another great blog by a Presbyterian Pastor

Randy Working is a Presbyterian Pastor and board member of Theology Matters I did not know until today that he is a blogger. His blog is “What’s Working.” Working is also an artist and you will note as you visit his blog the great works of art he often uses to highlight his postings.
His posting for Feb. 5th is “On Forgiveness.” It begins:

In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis considers the Christian virtue of forgiveness, embodied in the biblical command to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Our neighbor includes our enemy, which means we have a responsibility to forgive our adversaries. Lewis holds that this is the most unpopular of Christian virtues, even more so than chastity. I think he’s right.

Scan popular culture for depictions of forgiveness, and you might be hard pressed to find many. More common would be stories of getting even after one has been hurt. Something in us cries out for justice, for a righting of wrongs—especially if we’re the injured party.

The next posting is “Singing The Mystery Of The Ages” with links to music on YouTube.

Visit for some excellent reading.

1 comment:

Greg Scandlen said...


Some time ago I promised to get back to you after attending a meeting of Christians United For Israel. Here is my blog posting about the meeting yesterday. --

Thank you for all your insights.

Greg Scandlen