Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Seductive lies and a Marsh-Wiggle

It is wonderful how creative writers are able to take biblical truths and using metaphor, images and stories delight our souls with the glorious truths of Christianity. And thinking in the reverse it is wonderful how God has given us the creative ability to use his gifts to explain the goodness, compassion and life giving work of Jesus Christ.

I have, in the past, used a scene out of the Narnia book, The Silver Chair, to write about the seductive nature of some lies and what it takes to counter such spiritual lies. C. S. Lewis in this story, as usual is so very clear about the need to insist on the reality of what is good. And the truly good is Jesus Christ who is both God and man.

The Queen of the Underworld, like many contemporary seducers, is attempting to seduce Aslan’s friends into believing that the world above them is unreal. The children, Jill and Scrubb, the captured Narnian prince who has been imprisoned in her underworld for many years, and the Marsh-Wiggle, Puddleglum, a very gloomy but faithful creature, are in danger of falling asleep and in the process believing the lie that Narnia and Aslan do not exist.

I posted this on Facebook yesterday but I will post it here because it is one of my favorite scenes. And it allows me to remember that even a very glum Marsh-Wiggle, sometimes only a Marsh-Wiggle, can stand up for the truth. (Or perhaps put their hand in the fire for the truth) You see burnt Marsh-Wiggle smells really bad and can wake anyone up.


Barb said...

My favorite scene in film and book, too.
Barb Moody
Sparta, IL

Viola Larson said...

Great! I put this on facebook and someone else said the same.