Sunday, September 17, 2023

Snakes, light bulbs, Area 51, Sacha Stone & Scott McKay--Wolves


Over thirty years ago when I wrote an article for Christian Research Journal on a racist movement “Christian Identity,” I told a friend I would not write on racist groups anymore because the material was so ugly. God had other plans. While in the PCUSA I was constantly writing about a Presbyterian committee which are both progressive and extremely anti-Semitic.

 I am now Lutheran (Missouri Synod) and I just recently saw an article in the religious news that several white supremacists, (really Nazis) had recently been banned and excommunicated from a Missouri Synod Lutheran church. The President of The LCMS has written a faithful letter denouncing such ideology. While I want to write about one of the articles written by this particular racist fellow, he insists that Hitler was a Christian—I’ve spent several afternoons listening to some horrid garbage espoused by one of the speakers from the last Reawaken America Tour.

In my last article, The Second Coming of Fascism to the United States,  I wrote of how reporter and columnist Jake Tapper “ in a video on Facebook shows a small part of a video where Scott McKay [a sometimes speaker on the Reawaken America tour] states that Hitler was fighting the same enemies that he and others are fighting.” I added:

“Tapper contacted Eric Trump Jr. who is not only a part of Clay Clark’s Reawaken America Tour but also the son of ex-President Donald Trump. In the exchange with Trump Jr. and Clark it is still uncertain whether McKay was allowed to speak at recent conferences or future ones. What is certain is that McKay is still speaking at many of the rallies and conferences provided by different adherents of Christian nationalism.”

Now Scott McKay admits in a video, that he was not allowed to speak at the gathering. But one of his friends, Sacha Stone, did speak.. Both of these individuals are extremists with wild religious views and using Khazarian mafia conspiracy tales are rabid anti-Semites. Stone pushes the idea that aliens are in control of many governments’ referring to area 51.There was, according to Stone, a plan to place alien DNA in the human gene pool. Stone insists that millions of humans are hybridized He states:

 “Now the real interventionism or alien invasion are MRNA and DNA related that is connected to Fauci, connected to Bill Gates, that’s connected to Obama, Bill Clinton, Bush, … and obviously incumbent puppet Biden regimes are all directly connected … which is how the devil is being permitted, granted permission by the status quo on your behalf, on my behalf over the last fifty, seventy-five years or so-in the main to infiltrate the human MRNA and DNA. All of these systems have now been infiltrated by the kingdom of the devil through synthetic molecules.”

Stone insists that the alien invasion is now inside of us. He asks and states, “What are we discovering inside human biology? We are seeing microbe snakes … we are seeing what appears to be spontaneous induction spontaneous manifestation of reptilian serpentine microbes, little microbe snakes with scales … He goes on, “with the 5G infrastructure in place and the pulse waving, pulsing and happening to the 5G antenna …” Stone goes on to point not only to the 5G towers but also to vaccines and lead light bulbs as the means of invasion.. 

How is this all overcome?  Humanity according to Stone has to manifest utopia using Christ Consciousness or/and their Kundalini power. Christ Consciousness is a term McKay uses quite often. Many Christians hear it and think it applies to Jesus and is personal but instead it destroys the biblical understanding of Jesus. Christ consciousness is an impersonal power or force that eastern and/or new age teachers believe must be attained in order to do miracles or even to evolve into deity. Those advocates for Christ Consciousness do not believe Jesus is the unique Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, but that he is simply a man who attained Christ Consciousness and that we can all do the same.

The Scripture is very clear:

 Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. 1John2:22.

It is a great sin that Eric Trump Jr. and Clay Clark and Michael Flynn keep inviting speakers to their gatherings who are horridly anti-Semitic. It is also a great sin, perhaps a greater sin, that the three men who call themselves Christians keep inviting absolute heretics, wolves who will bloody the sheep to be speakers.

It is not enough that pastors and speakers who call themselves Christian are invited to preach, or that there are shofars blown or even baptisms and prayers, they are being used for political purposes. And to be used that way among the ungodliness of unbiblical teaching is to be placed on the side of evil.  


Jodie said...

Wow Viola,

I've heard some crazy stuff in my life, but this sorta takes the prize. Thanks for posting this. I hope people still read your blog.

It really is distressing that Fascism and Neo-Nazism is coming back to life, in America of all places, and right in our midst at that. In the Church! It would be a global tragic catastrophe if America, after having defeated Nazism and Fascism at great peril and loss of life, would then become the enemy we defeated. Throw in this heretical element, and it really does remind you of what happened in Germany, but on steroids. Like the person who gets a demon expelled, and the demon then goes and finds seven others even worse than he is to come take over the person, and their final condition is immensely worse than it was to begin with.

I don't think its a coincidence that it comes on the heels of the demise of the once great mainline churches. I hate to say this, but I saw it coming over 25 years ago, and I tried to sound the alarm. But nobody was listening. And I mean nobody. I became close friends with Is 6.

BTW, I went to a private Missouri Synod Lutheran school for a few years when I lived in Southern Brazil as a missionary kid. It was the closest there was to a Presbyterian school in that neck of the woods. ;-)

Jodie Gallo,
Los Angeles, CA

Viola Larson said...

It is crazy Jodie and sad. And yes some people still read my blog aalthough they don't write comments here.