Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jerry Van Marter, coordinator of the Presbyterian News Service: His reported statements about the Jewish reaction to a paper-switch

The New Jersey Jewish News has a news article written by Robert Weiner entitled Presbyterian confab worries advocates for Israel. There are several statements by Jerry Van Marter, coordinator of the Presbyterian News Service about the Jewish outrage over the switching of texts in the paper, "Vigilance Against Anti-Jewish Ideas and Bias.” It seems Van Marter cares little for the upset feelings of the Jewish community. And if this is reported correctly by the NJJNews, he seems to lack a news person's sense of the unbiased statement. The statements Van Marter is reported to have made are:

The Jewish groups go nuts every time we make any statement they interpret as favorable to Palestine or the Palestinians...”

Wiener wrote, "Van Marter said church leaders amended their first statement 'to make it more balanced, and apparently it still doesn’t satisfy our Jewish friends. It is tough for Presbyterians because there is a Christian population in the occupied territories. The Christians are a very small minority, and they are shrinking because they are caught in the crossfires. The Presbyterian Church understands precisely why Jewish groups are upset, because we refuse to be one-sided. We’ve been on record for a two-state solution for 60 years now.'”

Evidently Van Marter did go on to state, "Presbyterians are not of one mind about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

As a Presbyterian and a Christian who is of another mind than Van Marter I have to say I wish it didn't seem as through he was speaking for most of the PCUSA because in reality he is not!

And the question might be asked, how truthful is that statement of Van Marter's about the sixty year call for a two state solution? Didn't PCUSA only recognize the state of Israel since 1974?


Anonymous said...

Sad commentary unfortunately. Thanks for this Viola...

will said...

Truly unbelievable and appalling.

Especially given the exceptionally poor record the PNS has on this particular issue in terms of bias and lack of balance.